GitLab Pages

GitLab Pages is a built-in feature of GitLab that allows users to easily publish static websites directly from their GitLab repositories. With GitLab Pages, developers can create and host static websites for personal or project use without the need for a dedicated web server or hosting provider. To use GitLab Pages, users need to configure a GitLab Pages domain and create a .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file that specifies the build process for their website. GitLab Pages supports a wide range of static website generators, such as Jekyll, Hugo, and Middleman, and users can also use custom scripts to build their website. Once configured, GitLab Pages automatically builds and deploys the website whenever changes are pushed to the repository. Users can access their website via the configured domain or a GitLab Pages subdomain. GitLab Pages also includes advanced features such as HTTPS support, custom domains, and password protection. Additionally, GitLab Pages integrates seamlessly with other GitLab features such as GitLab CI/CD, GitLab Container Registry, and GitLab Pages Access Control