GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages is a free web hosting service offered by GitHub that allows users to create and publish websites directly from their GitHub repositories. It is primarily designed for developers and individuals who want to host static websites such as documentation pages, personal blogs, and portfolios. Users can create a new GitHub Pages site by creating a new repository and choosing the appropriate settings, or by configuring an existing repository to publish a website. GitHub Pages supports a variety of website generators and frameworks such as Jekyll, Hugo, and React, which allows users to build websites using familiar tools and languages. GitHub Pages provides a range of customization options, including custom domains, HTTPS encryption, and a choice of themes and templates. Users can also use GitHub Pages to showcase their projects, share code samples, and collaborate with other developers. Overall, GitHub Pages is a user-friendly and versatile platform that makes it easy for developers and individuals to create and publish websites without the need for advanced technical skills or expensive web hosting services.