Common Crawl

Introducing Common Crawl - the open repository of web crawl data that's changing the game. With billions of pages and trillions of links, gathered, aggregated, and made available. Raw data, metadata, and text data in over 40 languages all free. Common Crawl is a nonprofit organization that provides a free and open repository of web crawl data that can be accessed and analyzed by researchers, developers, and anyone interested in exploring the web at scale. The organization's mission is to democratize access to web data and to enable innovation in fields such as artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and data science. The Common Crawl corpus consists of billions of web pages that have been crawled over the years, with a focus on inclusiveness and diversity in terms of the languages, geographies, and topics covered. The data is stored in a variety of formats, including raw HTML, metadata, and text extracted from the web pages, and can be downloaded in bulk or accessed via APIs and cloud services. Researchers and developers can use the Common Crawl data for a wide range of purposes, such as training machine learning models, analyzing social and cultural trends, and building search engines and recommendation systems. The organization also encourages collaboration and community building through hackathons, workshops, and forums where users can share their insights and applications.