
CodeKit CodeKit is a popular front-end web development tool for macOS that aims to simplify the process of building and optimizing websites. It provides a user-friendly interface and a suite of powerful features that make it easier for developers to manage and optimize their projects. With CodeKit, developers can easily compile and minify CSS, JavaScript, and other web assets, as well as optimize images and SVGs. It also includes support for popular web development frameworks like Sass, Less, Stylus, and CoffeeScript, and provides a live browser preview feature that automatically refreshes changes made in the code. CodeKit also comes with a range of other useful features, such as automatic browser reloading, support for automatic vendor prefixing, and the ability to manage external JavaScript libraries. Additionally, it provides a comprehensive error reporting system that helps developers quickly identify and fix issues in their code. Overall, CodeKit is a versatile and powerful tool for web developers that can help streamline their workflow and improve the performance of their websites.